Delta Chamber Choir is always looking for new members to join
The Delta Chamber Choir is a group of not more than 24 individuals who offer a completely different experience than the larger Delta Community Choir for both choir and audience members. The dynamics of a small ensemble are significantly different than those of a large group and with a focus on a cappella music, the Chamber Choir offers listeners an intimate yet rich vocal experience.
The choir was first established in January 2008 as a choir for young adults and has since evolved into a fully auditioned choir for adults of all ages.
Membership Criteria
The Delta Chamber Choir welcomes all singers 18 years and older to audition. Members joining the choir will be auditioned in September and January.
The Delta Chamber Choir has no more than 24 members per term.
Members must be able to:
- Take leadership from both the Artistic Director and Accompanist
- Memorize their words and music
- Participate in rehearsals without disrupting others
- Hold pitch when singing
- Perform an audition with the Artistic Director (Please have a short vocal piece ready for the audition and be prepared to sight read a short excerpt supplied by the Artistic Director)
Individuals joining the choir must commit to:
- Attend all scheduled rehearsals. Members must inform their choir representatives promptly and with advance notice of any planned absence. The representatives for the Delta Concert Choir and the Delta Chamber Choir are the Section Leaders.
- Society members who will miss more than two rehearsals in a term must receive pre-approval from the Artistic Director. Members who miss more than two rehearsals without pre-approval may be required to withdraw from the Society for the term, at the discretion of the Artistic Director.
- Society members are required to attend the technical rehearsal and both concerts, each term. Members who are not able to attend the technical rehearsal and both concerts may be required to withdraw from the Society for the term.
- The Delta Chamber Choir holds regular weekly section meetings. These meetings take place at the discretion of the Section Leader, and attendance is strongly recommended.
Rehearsal Schedule
The Chamber Choir rehearses every Monday night at 8:00pm until 9:30 pm.
The rehearsals are held at the Benediction Lutheran Church at 5575 6ave Delta BC V4M 1M2.
Member fees are $120 per term, plus the cost of your costume.
To register for the Delta Chamber Choir, please bring the completed Delta Choral Society – Adult Choir Enrollment Form and a cheque or cash for $120 per person. We can accept cash, cheque, or credit/debit cards.
Refunds will be allowed up to the end of the first month of each term (i.e. September or January).
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact us at